Tax & HST Filing
Regardless of what type of tax you’re filing, it will involve countless hours of paperwork to effectively complete all the requirements, not to mention time-consuming and potentially stressful correspondence with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Save yourself the hassle and allow the chartered accountants at Clearwater Professional Corporation to keep you up to date on ever-changing tax laws and their potential impact on your small business in Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Ancaster, Brampton, Etobicoke, Dundas, Grimsby, Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Milton or Toronto, Ontario.
Our chartered accountants will ensure that your taxes are prepared accurately and on time, and we guarantee prompt delivery of completed tax forms. We will negotiate your tax settlement with the CRA on your behalf, for both current and prior years taxes if required. The types of taxes we can assist you with are:
- personal
- corporate
- harmonized sales tax (HST)
An intimidating task for any small business owner in Oakville, Clearwater Professional Corporations chartered accountants will make your tax filing concerns our top priority, and the whole process much easier for you and your small business. From compiling information, to accurately preparing returns, to overseeing your tax related costs, our accounting professionals provide you peace of mind knowing that you are fulfilling your responsibilities as a small business owner. Allow us to provide you with tax filing advice as necessary, and deal with the CRA on your behalf. Take the worry and pressure out of meeting tax deadlines, and contact Clearwaters chartered accountants today at our Oakville location for your tax and HST filing requirements!